Personalising your Marriage Ceremony
As modern marriage celebrants in South East Queensland, we find a lot of people are looking for a ceremony that really represents and reflects them. There is no greater expression of your love than to commit to be together for the rest of your lives so we encourage our couples to provide some information about their love story and of course select wording for the ceremony that they identify with. At Cherish Ceremonies we have an easy to use, extensive wedding ceremony manual that has content for all the different sections you might like to include in your wedding ceremony.
Ceremony Wording
You are not restricted by the wordings provided. There are a few paragraphs that are compulsory by Australian law, however, the majority of the ceremony is for you to include the wordings that best reflect you and your relationship.
What Words Make Our Wedding Legal in Australia?
A marriage celebrant must say:
“I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
The couple must say as part of their marriage vows:
“I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, [name], take thee, [name], to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband)”
It’s All About Us!
Including personal information about you in the marriage ceremony enhances the meaning of the commitment you are making and puts a smile (or happy tears) on you and your guests faces.
You may like to write this section of the ceremony yourselves, or alternatively can give your marriage celebrant the details either verbally or in point form so that it can be incorporated within the wording of your ceremony. The use of any such information is quite optional, and need not be included at all if you prefer a very simple and more generic ceremony. You will find that whatever personalisation is added to the ceremony though helps to make it more relevant and meaningful to you and your guests.
These questions may be useful in eliciting the information with which to compose the personal history of the relationship.
- When did you meet?
- Where did you meet?
- Was it an immediate attraction, or did the relationship take time to develop?
- Were friends or family involved in introducing you?
- What was the basis for the initial attraction?
- What interests or activities do you share?
- What is it that appeals to you about your partner (what do you LOVE about them)?
- Has the relationship evolved smoothly?
- What has prompted this decision to formalise your relationship?
- What are your plans for the future?
Nothing Too Serious – We want a fun wedding!
It can be an especially fun wedding if you include a light hearted personalised asking question or vow into your ceremony.
A couple of examples we have experienced in the past have been:
- Do you promise to not get mad when he forgets to take the rubbish out and tolerate his love for footy?
- Do you promise to buy her chocolate and flowers every birthday?
- I promise to be next to you every morning even though I will never want to get out of bed and I promise I will always buy more shoes than I need.
- Do you promise to kill all spiders, cockroaches and other creepy crawlies. To mow the lawns, change car tires, never to wear velvet, listen to all complaints and to love her until death or zombies do you part?
- Do you promise to love, honor, cook for, clean up after, surrender your share of the blanket to, live with the flatulence of, relinquish the remote to and to not hold his poor fashion sense against him until death do you part?
If you have any questions, feel free to get in contact with us at Cherish Ceremonies via our Brisbane Civil Celebrant contact page:
So have fun and enjoy creating a wedding ceremony that is a true reflection of you and all you believe in!
Have a fantastic marriage!
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